To website, or not to website...
Many therapists cringe at even the thought of having a website. Some would even think to themselves that:
"It's too complicated to create a website myself."
"Even if I had a beautiful website, I wouldn't know how to manage it or make changes to it."
"I've just spent thousands on creating a website, now I'd have to pay someone else to maintain it..."
Sounds familiar? These are just some of the most common problems that come along with having a website as a therapist. So is it worth it to have a website in general? Of course it is! The purpose of a website, as a therapist, is to help spread the word of who you are and how you can help others (plus it also gives your clients, current and potential, the knowledge of how to locate/contact you and WHEN). But I don't have time to sit down and learn how to build my own website!! So, what if I told you it could be easy? Think about it. What if I told you, I would make you a beautiful website and teach YOU how to make changes and even give you a library full of learning videos on ANY topic imagined when it comes to managing your website?
Did I catch your attention?
It's simple. It's stress-free! Not only does my system allow you to have a beautiful website but, most importantly, it also allows you to take control of your practice and it SAVES you a ton of money every single year. I know what you are thinking "it would be a dream come true"! Here is how it works...
Step 1) I will send you a form to fill out to make the web design process a breeze.
Step 2) You will send me anything I will need to create the website. Don't worry! I will give you a checklist so it doesn't get confusing.
Step 3) Once all information is received to create your website, our designers, who are specialized in the mental health field, will go to town and create your dream website.
Step 4) You will review the site and let us know if any changes need to be made and we will get those changes over to you right away.
At last, you are all set up. You may not need to make changes right away but if you were looking to do things, like add a blog post or update your home page, we have a library of videos for you to view so that you can add them without any stress. Our simple and stress-free solution!
It's super easy to work with the experts at Stress-Free VA Services. We pride ourselves on customer service. We want to make sure you have the perfect website and that you do not stress out about the back-end process so that you can do what matters most in your practice. Together, we can make having a beautiful website a Stress-Free experience!
If you think this is a good fit for you, take a look at some of the samples we've made to show you how creative we are. Be sure to check out the blog section on the website samples-those are my favorite!
If you are interested in having us create a beautiful website for you, please feel free to schedule a FREE consultation. Schedule a call now.
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